Lin Chen

Field of study: Industrial Design

Sign: Scorpio

Product design is... the iterative process of creating solutions that seamlessly blend form and function to meet user needs and enhance overall user experience.

A good product is… one that effectively addresses user needs and seamlessly integrates innovation to deliver a satisfying and reliable experience.

  • I want to be a designer who creates something with love, fun and usefulness to people. Bringing more warmth and convenience to people.

  • I think subway is one of my inspirations spot. Since I’m taking train everyday to school, and I always like to observe and watch everything happen around me, and it always gives me ideas.

  • My favorite book as a child is a book that it’s an autobiography about a girl. How she achieved her dreams and goals by herself in the America. I forgot the name of book, but it really gave me a huge energy and encouragement. And I’m doing what I love and what I like to do now.

  • My favorite place to read is my bedside. I’m enjoying reading books in my little private space.

  • If I could wake up in the shoes of any book character, I might choose Sherlock Holmes for his unparalleled deductive reasoning skills and fascinating adventures. The ability to solve intricate mysteries while navigating the complexities of Victorian London would offer a unique and intellectually stimulating experience.

I want to be a designer who creates something with love.

Lin’s Design

Dog Pen Holder

This adorable dog-shaped pen holder is crafted with book lovers in mind, adding a delightful touch to your reading experience. The aim is to infuse a sense of fun and interest into the world of book enthusiasts, making your reading moments even more enjoyable

Add a delightful touch to your reading experience

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